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Modern Slavery Policy
Commitment to Preventing Modern Slavery
4Recruitment Services Ltd is fully committed to eliminating modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, and other human rights abuses within our operations and supply chain.
We are dedicated to ensuring that our staff and any workers we supply (directly or indirectly) are protected from any form of modern slavery, human trafficking, or coercive practices.
Our Approach
To uphold our commitment, we have implemented the following measures:
- Training & Awareness: Our senior management team receives detailed training in identifying and addressing concerns related to modern slavery and human trafficking.
- Encouraging Reporting: Staff, workers, and other stakeholders are strongly encouraged to report any suspicions or concerns to a member of our senior management team.
- Serious Investigation & Action: Any reports related to modern slavery will be promptly and effectively investigated. If any issues are identified, we will take appropriate action, which may include:
- Collaborating with relevant organisations to improve standards.
- Removing non-compliant organisations from our preferred supplier list.
- Reporting incidents to the appropriate law enforcement bodies.
Monitoring & Compliance
We continuously assess and monitor risks associated with modern slavery through key performance indicators. This ensures that we remain vigilant and proactive in preventing exploitation.
Related Policies
This policy should be read alongside our other relevant policies, including our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy.
Policy Review & Approval
This policy was adopted on 26/01/2021 following approval from our Senior Management Team and is reviewed annually to ensure ongoing compliance and effectiveness.
Signed by: Lee Palmer